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Best Hats for Hiking

man viewing landscape with a hat on

With spring in full swing, you’re ready to embrace the outdoors for the first time in a few months. But it’s not enough to pack a backpack, douse yourself in sunscreen, and wear the perfect hiking boots for your outdoor escapade. The proper hiking hat is also key to triumphantly tackling the trails.

The best hat for hiking will keep the sun’s rays off your crown and safeguard your eyes against excess sun. All in all, it will keep you feeling comfortable while also looking stylish — a double win.

The question is, what are the best hiking caps? Find yourself in one of these hats on your next adventure:


Waxed Cotton Outback Hat

man wearing tan hat in back of vehicleman wearing tan hat in back of vehicle

The Waxed Cotton Outback Hat by Tilley is one of the best hats for hiking because it’s made of waxed cotton, which is known for being extremely water resistant. That means you can hike in the rain or even go kayaking during your outdoor rendezvous and your hat will essentially make you waterproof.

Waxed cotton is also known to create slight color permutations that become deeper with age. That means you can expect this stylish outback hat to look even better over time — a quality you’d be hard pressed to find elsewhere in today’s fast-fashion world.

This hat stands out for being packable and crushable as well, so it can easily take anything your adventure throws at it. It also offers an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) rating of 50+, making it the perfect source of sun protection on those summer days.


PonyFlo Outdoor Sun Hat

woman wearing pink hat with ponytail openingwoman wearing pink hat with ponytail opening

If you’re looking for the best hats for hiking, this is another top choice — particularly if you’re the type to tie your hair up in a ponytail. That’s because the David & Young PonyFlo Outdoor Sun Hat was specifically designed to accommodate ponytails with a convenient opening in the back. It also comes with the wide brim you need for high-level sun protection. Plus, you’ll love the hat’s chin-cord as well, which keeps your hat secure while you’re dominating the toughest of trails.


Bombay Brown Paine Trucker Cap

bailey baseball cap with mesh crownbailey baseball cap with mesh crown

The best hats for hiking also include the Paine Trucker Cap by Bailey Western. This is one of the best hiking caps because of its unique feature you’ll fall in love with: its mesh back. This part of the hat will provide you with optimal ventilation to keep you cool on the most strenuous of hikes.

Of course, this baseball cap offers more than just stellar functionality. With its orange and yellow coloring and classic font for the Bailey logo, it evokes classic campouts and beautiful days deep in the woods. It’s perfect for showing off your style and nature-loving personality!


Kilgore Raindura Fedora

man wearing tan hat and jacketman wearing tan hat and jacket

Finally, the best hiking caps also include the light brown Kilgore Raindura Fedora by Wind River. This is among the best hats for hiking due to its water-resistant finish. With this finish, you can be confident that the hat will maintain its shape even in rainy weather. The hat’s wide brim will also provide you with much-needed shade from the sun.

With its long oval crown and striking fabric band, this classic, simple, American-made hat will also add style to your stroll through the woods. Look and feel your best when appreciating the beauty of the wilderness around you.


Choose the Best Hats for Hiking at Today

At, we’re proud to be the premier provider of top-quality hats, including the best hiking caps, from today’s top brands, ranging from Bailey Outdoors to Country Gentleman and Helen Kaminski. We carry hats of diverse styles, materials, and sizes to suit every hat wearer’s needs and taste.

With our Sezzle payment method, you can easily buy the best hats for hiking and other trendy hats today and pay for them later. In addition, with every purchase, you’ll receive points that you can ultimately redeem for rewards. We also offer fast shipping internationally, with most of our orders being sent out within two business days of an order being placed. Our shipping in the continental United States is always free.

Get in touch with us to find out more about our headwear options, and upgrade your hat collection today!
