The 615S Fedora by Trimmed & Crowned is a sophisticated and unique hand-crafted fedora. It features a crocheted 4" center dent crown and a 2 1/2" flat brim. The 615S fedora is finished in style with a contrasting grosgrain band and a sleek feather featuring grey, white and black, in a silver feather holder. Whether your catching a small artist session, recording your own music session, or cruising the river walk, the 615S will have you looking cool and in style in this classic Panama.
The 615S is hand-crafted in the USA from globally sourced materials. Fedora in USA/Featured/Made in USA/Men's USA Made/Featured/Made in USA/Women's USA Made/Featured/Made in USA/USA Made with Globally Sourced Materials/Featured/Exclusives/Featured/Exclusives/Men's Exclusives/Featured/Exclusives/Women's Exclusives/Featured/Exclusives/Trimmed & Crowned/Men's/Men's/Shop By Style/Fedoras/Men's/Shop By Fabric/Straw & Raffia/Men's/Shop By Fabric/Genuine Panama/Brands/Trimmed & Crowned/Women's/Shop By Style/Fedoras/Women's/Shop By Fabric/Straw & Raffia/Women's/Shop By Fabric/Genuine Panama/Brands/Bollman Hat Company/Trimmed & Crowned/Featured/Black Friday Sale/Men's/Featured/Black Friday Sale/Women's/Featured/Black Friday Sale/Fedoras & Trilbies/Featured/Cyber Week Shop/Men's/Featured/Cyber Week Shop/Fedoras & Trilbies/Featured/Cyber Week Shop/Women's/Featured/Spring Shop/Featured/Summer Shop/Holiday Gift Guide/Exclusives/Holiday Gift Guide/Gifts for Men/Holiday Gift Guide/American Made Gifts/Featured/Special Collection: Blues Fest/Black Friday Shop/Men's/Black Friday Shop/Fedora's & Trilbies/Cyber Week Shop/Men's/Cyber Week Shop/Fedoras & Trilbies/12 Gifts of Christmas/Day 5: Trimmed & Crowned Hats $99 or less111911221125113111341137114021311158118512241221211012541299129621202210221322312219224322222616262515421509151522692980298930043016289519910981119113411581161120913951230123312841410213821411506297129772880<div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main">The 615S Fedora by Trimmed & Crowned is a sophisticated and unique hand-crafted fedora. It features a crocheted 4" center dent crown and a 2 1/2" flat brim. The 615S fedora is finished in style with a contrasting grosgrain band and a sleek feather featuring grey, white and black, in a silver feather holder. Whether your catching a small artist session, recording your own music session, or cruising the river walk, the 615S will have you looking cool and in style in this classic Panama. </p><br><p>The 615S is hand-crafted in the USA from globally sourced materials.</p></div>Trimmed & Crowned Panamasilhouette:Fedora123123615S Fedora - Black/S150150 Fedora - Black/M150150 Fedora - Black/L150150 Fedora - Black/XL150150 Fedora - Brown/S150150 Fedora - Brown/M150150 Fedora - Brown/L150150 Fedora - Brown/XL150150 PanamaS25Fedora615STrimmed & Crowned100% Toquilla Palm2 1/2"UnlinedCenter Dent4"Spring/SummerMade in USA with globally sourced Exclusive2022-03-16